Here's what I learned from the classes, the conversations, and observations....
- Buy a composition notebook with graph paper. As an engineer, I solely use graph paper at work. However it is all loose leaf, and I simply recycle each page after I'm done with it. At work, I like the idea of starting fresh for each task. Designer Julia Farwell-Clay gave a class on designing motifs and showed off her design notebook, which you guessed it, was a composition notebook with graph paper. I love the thought of all of the my ideas, good or bad, being in one place. Maybe this is a trivial point, but it did inspire me to go to Staples and buy one! In fact, I'm using it for charting the Gloucester Baby Blanket pattern again -- it's almost ready to go, just re-checking the math.
- Have an organized toolkit. As I looked around, most people seemed to have either a little bag or tupperware where they kept all of their knitting notions. I, on the other hand, have stitch markers loosely tumbling about in literally every pocket of my backpack. After camp, I was inspired to organize a little pouch with all of my knitting essentials: stitch markers (although I should get more since I've lost nearly all of them now), tape measure, cable needle, and a darning needle. Also everyone seemed to have this cool little tool (4 inches to be exact) called a "tool replacement", which has a crochet hook on one side and size 3 needle on the other end. It can be used as a cable needle or for picking up dropped stitches.
My newly organized knitting toolkit! |
- Use a pom pom maker. Sheeri introduced us to these pom pom makers that make beautiful, full pom poms. Plus they are extremely easy to use!
- How to spin yarn! This lesson came as pleasant surprise late Sunday afternoon. Willa brought some fiber and drop spindles and taught us how to spin. It was rather addicting, and now I can see why people love it. I'm holding off on this craft for the moment, simply because it seems too fun. But now I have my first mini-mini skein of my own hand-spun yarn. Even though it looks just as you would expect after spinning for the first time (that is... not so great), I was told I should keep it to see how far I progress. Maybe this summer I'll pick it spinning!
First attempt at spinning! |
- Ways to hide yarn and justify money spent on knitting to my significant other. Fortunately Michael doesn't question yarn purchases, plus I haven't been buying much since I decided to go cold sheep. However, this quirky lady offered me some semi-solid advice on how to deal with Michael, in case he ever does question my need for a knitting stash... She said yarn can be hidden anywhere, from the back of the freezer to the sleeves of coat pockets to under couch cushions. She also said that if he ever says that I'm spending too much money on yarn, that I should say at least I have something to show for it at the end. Then find an activity that he spends money on, and say that his leisurely spending doesn't result in something tangible like a sweater. Although that's tough considering that Michael is a runner, and running is free... In reality though, I think it would be better for Michael to speak up way before I ever get to hoarding status, even though we will have a lot of space in our new apartment!! Here are some pics of the place....
My brother Thomas checking out the charming features of our future Salem apartment. |
Living room/dining room in our new apartment. |
There was also a dyeing class by A Hundred Ravens, which a regrettably didn't take, but next time. I also learned more about the history of textured knitting, the do's and dont's of yarn selection for sweaters, seaming with the mattress stitch, picking up stitches, etc.
I also came home with some goodies too, including free ones, which let's admit, are always the best. I got the latest Rowan Knitting magazine plus two Bergere of France knitting pattern magazines as a raffle prize courtesy of Stitch House in Dorchester, MA. It's like I have Ravelry in print now. I also purchased From Folly Cove as I mentioned last post.
All of my Fiber Camp goodies! |
[FO] Common Cod Spring Scarf
There was also a destash table where I picked up 3 skeins of Valley Yarns Goshen (48% cotton, 46% rayon, 6% silk) in Persimmon to make a bright, spring lace scarf. I started this project on the Sunday of Fiber Camp as I wanted to knit something easy while I attended the classes and talked with people. The lace pattern was a variation of the Sweet November Knit Shawl, just without the increases. Check out my project page on Ravelry for my modifications!